This is a Closed Role UPick, in that you PM me any role, as godmoddy and OP as you want. This will be your role for the game (your alignment is up to RNG). But, everything has a price in this world. You will not know the downside to your role until you use it. You may be a vigilante who accidentally will kill themselves instead of their target. You may be an investigator who is so bad at what they do they receive no results, but the person they visited learns about them. The more OP your power, the more equal its hidden limitations.
You have 3 uses of the Monkey Paw; the first is your original role. The second can be to revive yourself or another player from the dead if you so choose (but what will happen to you then...?), to kill a player, to change your role, to try and mitigate the negative effects currently ailing you, the possibilities are endless. But every time you use it, there will be another negative effect on you. Will you conserve the Monkey Paw? Or will you go all out?