- Be respectful to other members
- Absolutely no trolling/flaming
- No links to illegal downloads such as roms, emulators, and torrents
- Do not post sexual or pornographic material
- No slurs of any type, towards any person/group
- Please no spoilers/keep spoilers under spoiler tags
- Try to keep to the topic of the post
- Please do not repeat topics and check before posting a new one.
- No spamming
- Follow the rules the hosts of the game sets up
- Respect the hosts and players, but if you feel like there’s an issue contact a admin or moderator about it
- Only join if you will have time to play, or if a issue comes up in real life inform the mod of the game of the issue to make arrangements
- Mafia is a game aimed to be deceptive, so do not take anything that happens within a game personally
- Do not throw the game (Either by assisting or playing for the opposite team)
- Do not bribe or threaten to get other players to vote your way
- Players that have been killed are allowed to continue on posting, as long as they do not give any information of the game
- Bold your votes to make them easier to notice
- Do not vote or kill out of spite other players
- No pm alliances unless the host allows them
- No editing public worksheets of information that would not be public knowledge
- No taking screen caps of your role pm or any information (investigative, etc) unless the host allows it