Last Time on Gakuen Mafia...
[The anime caught up to the manga, so instead of an actual story, the writers just decided to appease the fandom with shipping.]- Spoiler:
- Vote Tally:
- 票数 Vote Tally
AliceofOz V
drandahl IV
Tiki the Troll II
Luxaria I
eleni I
Kiyoko vs no vote
Cure vs AliceofOz
Mr. Alice vs AliceofOz
Rasei vsLuxariadrandahl
eleni vs AliceofOz
plotstickers vsAliceofOzdrandahl
Tiki the Troll vsAliceofOzDrandahl
Ninfia vs Luxaria
Sammiya vsLuxariaAliceofOzdrandahl
ezreal vsLuxariaAliceofOz
deo vs AliceofOz
AliceofOz vs Tiki the Troll
drandahl vsezreal
T3tsuya vs eleni
high seraph vs Tiki the Troll
Luxaria vs no vote
Episode 9: Night Four
AliceofOz was sent to detention. She was town.
The phase will end at 4:00pm PST on September 12 2015.
The phase will end at 4:00pm PST on September 12 2015.