drandahl wrote:Will role claim by Midnight PST if enough of you aren't convinced by then.
Convinced by
Sorry if I'm coming off as abrasive or attacking you or anything, but if you are town, we, all of us in this
entire thread, collectively, are giving you the opportunity to explain to us why you are not the mafia bus driver, and so far your
only defense is, "I'm not the bus driver. I'm not going to tell you what I actually am, but yup, it's definitely not the bus driver. Maybe it's one of these people who have no reason whatsoever to be bus driver."
You are not giving us anything to work with here.
Ninfia claimed to be aware of Kotakia's investigation results in a phase where a lot of thread was doubting Kotakia's claims. I've seen eavesdroppers (also called journalists) as either alignment, but her support of Kotakia (literally, she was the ONLY PERSON besides the people Kotakia investigated who could back up anything Kotakia had said) makes me think she's less likely to be mafia.
Sammiya is confirmed hider, based on the fact that a stun failed on her, which is visible in rollover and there aren't many things besides hiders that can cause a stun to bounce.
The neutrals have no reason to lie about essentially being vanilla and I think Blaire/plot's confusion and clarification about their guessing being an active action was legit. I wouldn't have guessed that it was an active action, either, but plotstickers at the very least does not have an anti-town action because apparently deo was fully aware of her role and trusted her entirely.
And for what it's worth, anyone with an active ability is unlikely to be the recruit because the recruit almost always becomes vanilla after getting recruited. Otherwise, can you imagine mafia with a revival role? Even if a revived mafia is an outed mafia, it still buys mafia two extra phases per revival since they get the NK and then the re-lynch.