I'll read through the posts in a moment. ;w;
I hope you all... sort of had fun? This was my first time hosting, and if I were to redo it I would make a lot of changes to mechanics and roles. I think the idea has potential and can be refined into something a little more streamlined and balanced, while still retaining the mystery.
I wasn't sure how much to give either faction. Originally, I wanted mafia to have a thief ability, and for the game to utilize some more inventory items... but that was too much, and it came so late into the design that it was unwise to switch it up. Thus, I ended up giving mafia a frame, which I felt was a little too powerful, and the poisoner role was probably a little strong.
I gave town a lot of tools spread across various people with the hope that the conditions and pseudo-tracking, investigations, and protections would allow town to fend for itself. To be honest, town could have easily called Sammiya's bluff last phase or noticed that the only people weren't talking were Nautilus and Sammiya. However, the only reason one mafia died was by a cocktail of actions redirecting a shot onto a mafia in the funniest way (AliceofOz has the worst luck in history). Somehow, the game ended up kind of close, all things considered. The mask swaps on N2 could have prevented the NK, too.
Action Priority List (based off of head canon with regards to the setting in a physical sense):
Estranged Noble Leave Mansion
Bedazzled Guest Switch
Entertainer Redirect
Valet Frame / Midnight Mask Ghoul
Ballroom Dancer Investigate / Parlor Artist Painting / Midnight Mask Loved
Key Jail
Valet Roleblock
Gambler Protection
Mafia: Night Kill / Estranged Noble Kill
In hindsight, the Tarot Phase did not turn out half as cool as I imagined in my head. And I think the effect was a bit lackluster, in the end. I tried to structure it such that it would not overwhelm mafia, but I wanted to augment Town's tracking. The Right Card would have led to the alignment reveal of a random player, and if mafia then the Fortune Teller would die. The Left Card would have just scrambled every mask. All three effects were... well, whatever. ;__________________;
....... thanks for playing? ;_____;
P.S. If you had lynched Starry Mask D2, three masks would have died, and Sammiya and Rasei would've been killed.