*Wakes up. Wishes he had a link to that gif with the guy walking in the door to find the place had erupted into chaos.*
"Oh, hey this dragon thing sounds kinda cool!"
*Checks PMs for info from the Divine Messenger.*
"Oh, hey, and that role can actually be kinda handy with the whole dragon thing! Oh...wait, no, it's dead...and those who participated got little awards...
The wildest and most exciting part of this already bizarre thread...and I miss it due to time zone differences and having to be in bed so I can go to a job I hate...
*Hugs sock monkey for comfort.*
Well, at least the fear of dragon rage is over. And hey, Luxie got to use the Faerie ability! :D I'll admit, was kinda glad it was Alca who bit it, just because I knew her sacrifice would benefit Luxaria's. Though I didn't expect to see her again until tomorrow. Oh well, not gonna complain. Not surprised if the Faerie got a buff, because even though it's pretty strong, underpowered compared to some of this crap y'all came up with. XD
And no, T3t, I didn't write it up for Lux to die without needing someone doing the killing. Although your suggestion for why that would be...is amusing, and I wish I'd thought of it!
And Lux...no idea why your messages get all scrambled (and I woke up after that took effect again, so I'm glad for all the quoting). Pretty sure that's someone else.
Finally, Nautilus...I hope all turns out well. :(