Kiyoko wrote:
It took 21 hours and 39 minutes for someone to call Lucas out.
Good job, Tet. You are surely the hero this town deserves. Not the one it needs right now. The one it needs is in detention. But you tried.
No the one I need is in detention right now. I set my dryer on fire trying to do the laundry yesterday. It is extremely imprudent to set fire to yourself every day for dry laundry. I have no idea how you slop haulers do it day after day. Kotakia really goes through a lot for me, I know that now. And I would like her to start again, because being on fire isn't a state I like being in.
If you'll remember, I did say you were being protected by somebody who makes decisions as absolutely flawed as your own in the very beginning.
But I agree, that's a little silly. Town you have to want to stay alive to stay alive. There's so many things wrong with his statement that it makes my head spin.
Last edited by T3tsuya on Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total