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Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB]

high seraph
Tiki The Troll
Mr. Alice
21 posters

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Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 PPg8PNe
[sits on grass]

... I didn't think we'd actually get this far. U-Um..........................

I-I knew the school counsellor would be summoned by what was happening, b-but.

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 PPg8PNe
A-as elected class president, I pledge that we, and our school counsellor, will regroup! We, those in detention, w-we...

W-we will fight for our school, and no one will stop us! We are freed from, the, uh, chains which held us in that classroom against our will, and... We will return!
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 DJ1Ey6GT-this is so embarrassing..........................
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 KAhjLsW

[It's okay, fellow kids. The school counsellor is here to help. We can talk this through. I'm sure everything will be fine.]

票数 Vote Tally

high seraph III
Kiyoko VII

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Kiyoko vs high seraph
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q ezreal vs Kiyoko
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Cure vs Kiyoko
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Sammiya vs Kiyoko
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Tiki the Troll vs no vote
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Aistaraina vs high seraph
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Ninfia vs high seraph
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Mr. Alice vs no vote
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q T3tsuya vs Kiyoko
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q Luxaria vs Kiyoko
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q high seraph vs Kiyoko
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q eleni vs Kiyoko

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XHMJc5Q nautilus vs Phoney Baloney

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 XSMy0US

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Tumblr_nulb4w6kNQ1rqbl96o1_540

Last edited by n★util★s on Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:27 am; edited 2 times in total

Mr. Alice

Mr. Alice

Nautilus~ Your hair baubles are cute~



n★util★s wrote:
Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Tumblr_nulb4w6kNQ1rqbl96o1_540

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 RpiVf1w



Honestly I'm okay with either Kiyoko or Lucas, though I'm leaning toward Kiyoko. I wouldn't mind voting last tbh if you guys are worried about her having a role power that'll kill the last person to vote for her. My death won't influence the ratio where it counts. I have a soft spot for town, lol.



@ T3tsuya's harem:

I still am completely unable to send out confessions given my relationship effect, and all incoming confessions will be rejected. I guess at least the useful thing is that even if I am not under your protection and happen to die, I still have a death effect, however much of a difference that particular ability would make. As a reminder, all it does is makes all votes become anonymous for the following day phase.

@ the vote:

It is interesting that neither of them ever tried to deny any points against them. I actually completely doubt that Kiyoko has at any point had a role that required her to not to vote. I suspected that might be a bluff for a while now, but it was kind of out of the realm of scrutiny. Thus... how likely is it that she has some super powerful role? No idea. Likewise, we have no idea what high seraph has in his kit. They're both complete enigmas. And so, now we enter a WIFOM of responding to Kiyoko's actions.

Kiyoko voted for high seraph with much to-do about it. Is this her trying to get us to vote for herself over him, because of how strange her actions look? Or maybe scare us away from voting her given her vague statements? Hmmm.

Personally, I'm thinking of voting for high seraph just to take him away from her. Alternatively, it would be equally enjoyable to vote her out and let her watch from detention as there is nothing that can be done to save high seraph on the next day.

Vote: Kiyoko



We have been reduced to this. Ugh.

high seraph

high seraph

So it has come to this. The final showdown, Kiyoko vs. Lucas. I never wanted this to happen. I wanted us to go through high school together, just us against the world, hand in hand onto the graduation ball. Unfortunately, as it seems, this won't be the case, my dear Kiyoko-chan. One of us must leave. Still, it is a conclusion worthy of our character arcs, starting as two strangers who shared a room and their last minutes in life. It was all leading up to this very moment. It is appropriate that it would be one of us who would kill the other. I wish things could be different. I wish you had a fighting chance. Sadly, the result is already written.

The time has come............

......... for you to lip sync

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Tumblr_nqt7znnP0V1r3jqyco3_400

vote: Kiyoko

Good luck. And don't fuck it up.



Luxaria wrote: They're both complete enigmas.

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Enigma

i hope these links don't break



Lucas, my dear. My sun and stars.

Bring it the hell on.



Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 S7jqZlq



ugh sorry guys, i was too busy/tired last night to post after my initial post of despair

firstly, YOU SUCK MAFIA. do you even know how long i spent deciding who to target. thanks for stunning me again second night in a row ;__;

and nautilus omg idk when you changed your icon since i've been checking the thread on my phone recently but ??? that is so adorable

T3tsuya wrote:Iron Chef Japan is ancient elder god tier. Iron Chef America a shit.
:OOO i've only watched the iron chef america loool. /bookmarks video

Mr. Alice wrote:Elenii~ Can you make any cool drinks?! I bet they'd be super cute n super great! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Well, I do enjoy bartending once in a while. ...I make nonalcoholic drinks of course, though. ...Of course.

And Blaire, I'm sorry, but... I think we're going to have to take a break. I have to leave you for a little bit. I'm not sure how long it will be. But know that I will always come back to you.

I didn't want to do this, but... Tet, expect an incoming message.

for now, vote: Kiyoko. unfortunately, i really don't think we can make an educated decision as to who to lynch this phase because we don't know anything about Kiyoko's ability. i'm guessing it could have been activated any time during the game and has something to do with this showdown between her and holy seraph, but. that's the only thing that's fairly obvious. /o\ i just have a bad feeling about this lynch lmao. because why?? out themselves completely if we can easily lynch either of them this phase...

edit i just don't feel like maf even needs Kiyoko's ability to win at this point LOL



Aistaraina wrote:Maybe we can vote it so that they have equal votes and we can leave it to the RNG gods to determine who dies.  Maybe that would negate any bad things that could happen?

^ I still like this idea, ftr.

Mr. Alice

Mr. Alice

....okay 1: I understand us splitting up but 2: Seriously, going with him...?

Eh...alright, I trust you, Eleni. ; u ; I know you don't make your decisions lightly, and I've always valued freedom, so it would be wrong of me not to offer the same.

I'll still be here for you, Eleni! You were my first love and I will never forget that! Good luck with everything and I wish you the best!

(Just fyi tho I'll still be loitering around when u do ur thang. Can't get me enough of them edible goods. :9)



Cure wrote:

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Enigma

We're in a Black Hole of despair.

Caused by Kiyo.

Aistaraina wrote:We have been reduced to this.  Ugh.

We're not in a good spot, but at least it's better than nothing. Like I've said before, we don't have many options left. So our best course of action is to make a new option for ourselves.

Even if I was Mafia, everyone would still literally have nothing to lose. It's betting on a better option than just durdling around twiddling thumbs like it seems was the popular thing to do in the couple days I've been gone. We can fix it, it just takes a team effort.

I am confident the threat of horrible, gruesome death can make everyone band together.

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Caution-tape1



So as of right now, here's what we're looking at. In order of acceptance.

Last Resort Tetsuya Conglomerate Safety Club:

Non-complying Still-Suspicious Club:

I have it set up that I auto-accept all confessions as soon as they come in. You will be allowed in immediately and I won't have to be online for it. I'll update as new people arrive. This really is one of the last ways to cut down our list, and honestly from looking at how it is right now I feel like the list pretty much coincides with my suspicions.

If I am blackbagged and sent to detention tonight then you'll really get a good hint from this.

Gakuen Mafia EP09-12 [µfia end] [ENG SUB] - Page 41 Caution-tape1

Ezreal. I sent you a confession as soon as the phase shifted and you haven't confirmed it or denied it. Why? Are you ignoring me? Don't ignore me. I'll blow up your telephone, fax machine, e-mail, and then leave notes under your door. I will send people to tail your car and leave letters under your windshield wipers. I will send carrier mandarin ducks with wet, angry messages.

I mean I have one now, he showed up with a note and the ink is running everywhere. I have no idea who thought this would be a good idea. All I can read is that I'm supposed to meet up with someone who wants the D tonight, so thankfully the most important parts of the note were preserved.



OvO if we're already voting Kiyo, why do we have to join your cult? Also, I still can't make confessions. that didn't stop being a thing.

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