Known facts:
Sammiya status is hidden. She could be a townsperson, Detecive, or doctor.
Everyone has claimed a role.
What everyone is claiming:
Detective - Kiyoko , Sammiya?
Vigilante- Rasei
doctor-Sammiya (?), Kotakia, drandahl
town- Megrid
town- Nautilus
town- Cthuluhoop (Maybe ?), Sammiya?
On N0:
Sammiya was eaten. Her postion is hidden, but she was town. So she could: Townsperson, Red Riding Hood, or Grandmother.
The night kill was Nautilus, who was a townsperson.
On N1:
The night kill was Megrid, who was a townsperson.
Claims on D2:
Cthuluhoop claims to be a townsperson.
Kotakia claimed to be the doctor.
Kiyoko supported Cthuluhoop, by claiming to be the Red Riding Hood.
drandel counterclaimed he is the doctor.
With this message, I'm flat out saying I am the Vigilante.
If Kiyoko and Cthuluhoop are telling the truth, then Sammiya is doctor. In that case Kotakia is mafia and so is Drandahl. Therefore they are are hoping we don't guess they are both lying.
If Kotakia is telling the truth, then Sammiya is the detective. Kiyoko is lying about being the detective, therefore is Mafia. Cthuluhoop is a townsperson. Also Drandahl is mafia.
If Drandahl is telling the truth, then Kotakia and Kiyoko is mafia.
The reason I'm sayin if either Kotakia or Drandahl are telling the truth, then Kotakia is the other mafia is because of the fact Sammiya is either the detective or the doctor.
The only positive town I can say at this point is Cthuluhoop and myself, through that maybe from a mind of someone that didn't get enough sleep due to a forum game. Even after I turned off the computer, I couldn't sleep. Even now, instead of taking a shower to get ready to work, I'm on the computer. See yah later.
Sammiya status is hidden. She could be a townsperson, Detecive, or doctor.
Everyone has claimed a role.
What everyone is claiming:
Detective - Kiyoko , Sammiya?
Vigilante- Rasei
doctor-Sammiya (?), Kotakia, drandahl
town- Megrid
town- Nautilus
town- Cthuluhoop (Maybe ?), Sammiya?
On N0:
Sammiya was eaten. Her postion is hidden, but she was town. So she could: Townsperson, Red Riding Hood, or Grandmother.
The night kill was Nautilus, who was a townsperson.
On N1:
The night kill was Megrid, who was a townsperson.
Claims on D2:
Cthuluhoop claims to be a townsperson.
Kotakia claimed to be the doctor.
Kiyoko supported Cthuluhoop, by claiming to be the Red Riding Hood.
drandel counterclaimed he is the doctor.
With this message, I'm flat out saying I am the Vigilante.
If Kiyoko and Cthuluhoop are telling the truth, then Sammiya is doctor. In that case Kotakia is mafia and so is Drandahl. Therefore they are are hoping we don't guess they are both lying.
If Kotakia is telling the truth, then Sammiya is the detective. Kiyoko is lying about being the detective, therefore is Mafia. Cthuluhoop is a townsperson. Also Drandahl is mafia.
If Drandahl is telling the truth, then Kotakia and Kiyoko is mafia.
The reason I'm sayin if either Kotakia or Drandahl are telling the truth, then Kotakia is the other mafia is because of the fact Sammiya is either the detective or the doctor.
The only positive town I can say at this point is Cthuluhoop and myself, through that maybe from a mind of someone that didn't get enough sleep due to a forum game. Even after I turned off the computer, I couldn't sleep. Even now, instead of taking a shower to get ready to work, I'm on the computer. See yah later.